Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week Five

With Davis Cup just around the corner this week has been insanely busy! We got back on Tuesday from Vietnam and Wednesday we had to do a press conference for just about 150 people about our trip to Doha. It took place in a huge conference room at the biggest casino in South East Asia called NagaWorld. They happen to be one of our key sponsors in sending 4 of us to Doha. Luckily the team had been asked only 1 question, but I had to respond because our number 4 can’t speak English very well, our number 1 is shy, and Pun would have said something stupid so I saved him the trouble of saying a word. After the press conference a French designer who designed our suits for Doha had a fashion show displaying his clothing line and at the end the four of us had our turn at the catwalk displaying the suits he made and our uniforms for Davis Cup. It was an interesting experience for both of us, definitely overcame some fears of stage freight!

Friday we left Phnom Penh from NagaWorld in a huge bus to Phnom Penh National Airport. We were greeted by at the airport by school children all wishing us good luck on our journey to Doha. Our flight took off at 3pm and stopped in Bangkok for 3 hours. Our flight to Doha took about six and a half hours. It was not a bad flight when you got a mini television screen with movies to choose from. When we got to Doha it was just a bit past eleven. During the drive from the airport to the hotel you could see towering buildings in every direction. It’s nice to be riding around in organized traffic again! The view from my hotel is pretty amazing also.

Sunday Night all the countries that are participating in Davis Cup Group IV were invited for an opening ceremony dinner. During this dinner they announced which teams will be competing against each other in their pools. They announced that our first match on Monday the 16th is against Singapore, Tuesday against Qatar, Wednesday against Myanmar, Thursday we get a break, and Friday against Jordan. There is Pool A and Pool B, consisting of 5 teams in each pool. The two top teams in each pool will then switch pools to play in the semi-finals against the other Pool. The top two teams from each pool will then progress the next year into Group III. The format will be number two singles first, number 1 singles, and then number 1 doubles. After the first singles match there will be a 10 minute waiting period and then the second singles match will take place, followed by doubles 30 minutes after the second singles match. If you would like to look at the schedule you can check it out at the Davis Cup link I have posted at the bottom.

I think the quickest way to update everyone on our status is through Facebook, so if you want to keep track on our progress, be on the lookout! Hope everyone is doing great, can't wait to come back and see every ones faces! 

Davis Cup Group IV Schedule:

1 comment:

  1. I'm just catching up on your adventures. Great writing and pictures! Good luck to you this week! We're all so proud of you.
